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Screw Steam

Kazozza's picture

So, Steam Xmas sale… I purchased the Sonic Hits Collection Holiday 2012 as a gift pack. It is sitting in my inventory. Since Steam will not allow me to install half of the games in the collection (and I can’t re-gift them separately to friends), I’m putting it up for sale – $29.99 (what I paid). It’s great value, but only if you can actually use all the games in the pack… Anywho, if you’re interested in buying it, send me a pm.

If you’re a Sonic fan (you know you are!) you’ll like the games in the bundle. Here’s the list (

That’s the last bundle I ever buy from them. Back to friendly, harmless pirating, yaaarrrr!

Oh yeah, I hear Valve are based on Norway…. You know what to do.


Fuzz's picture


What a pain Oz. Why won’t it let you play some of the games? The only even partially understandable reason I can think of is region… but even that is retarded.

What else could it be? Doubt compatibility with your PC.

My unofficial motto… if required for multiplayer… buy. If not… try :) If good, buy.

Official motto is of course buy everything. It’s the only legal way.

Sha8doW's picture


Even steam knows it sucks lol ;)

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  • Avast! This website be taken over by pirates on September 19th. Yarr!

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